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05 Aug
6 Effective Practices for App Retargeting

On how to reach out and bring back your customers by leveraging six effective app retargeting solutions.

Nowadays, mobile marketers use retargeting as a vital tool to reconnect with their customers and increase sales, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.

What is App Retargeting?

App retargeting is a digital marketing and advertising tactic that focuses on bringing back users who have downloaded and used your app once, showing some interest in it. It is an effective way of re-engaging lost users and acquiring new ones.

Why do you need to leverage app retargeting?

According to Adjust data, 79% of new customers leave within the first 7 days, and 39% of users do not even make it to the first week, abandoning an app on day one after installing [1].


In such a case, leveraging app retargeting can help you: 

— save your time, money, and effort as you are working with the already existing user base — the potential customers who have already shown their interest in your business;

— drive more conversion than other types of ads. As AppsFlyer study showed, app retargeting drives 50% more paying users [2];

— increase usage and maximize campaign ROI.

Six effective practices for App Retargeting

Segment your audience into smaller groups based on users’ demographics, geographics, shopping habits, and behavior such as purchases made in the past, etc. Audience segmentation makes your marketing efforts more personalized, driving up conversions and building relationships with your customers.

Exclude converted users from your retargeting campaigns. If getting ‘extra’ sales is not your goal for retargeting, better to exclude those users who have already interacted with your product. Otherwise, you can waste your budget and have a huge turn-down from your potential customers.

Personalize your ads to get the best response and conversion rates. You can use AI to collect and analyze customer data like in-app behavior to discover user interests. Then leverage the insights to create more personalized retargeting ads.

Use deep links to send users straight to specific in-app locations (instead of just the homepage). Add a link that points to specific in-app locations to remove unnecessary steps between the ad and product, service, or offer you want to promote, creating a seamless user experience.

A/B test your ads. A/B testing is a practice of running two or more different versions of the same ad campaign to see what resonates with your audience better. You can use various design elements and ads formats for your creatives, write shorter or longer captions, change a post style, e.g., ask a question, use statistics or make a statement. Make sure that your ad is eye-catching enough to stand out.

Measure and analyze your campaign results to see what kind of impact it is having. That will help you optimize the user experience and drive a higher ROI. 


Wrapping up

Mobile marketers and product managers every now and then need to re-engage their customers to make sure they stick around. A good retargeting campaign can be an effective solution. We hope that these six practices for app retargeting will help you to succeed.

P.S. Considering the latest iOS update, if an iOS user chooses to block sharing their IDFA (unique identifier), then they will not be included in the remarketing list, and it will not be possible to show them personalized ads. Collecting user data, such as phone numbers or email, and generating lists based on this data, rather than IDFA, is a solution that can help you run retargeting campaigns on iOS.


[1] Adjust Global App Trends 2019, Adjust, 2019

[2] AppsFlyer Report