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18 Aug
1 min
How the COVID-19 shaped our mobile society

Coronavirus affected all business spheres and mobile apps market is not an exception. Not so long ago Digital Marketing Agency Zorka.Agency together with Apptica — an Ad Intelligence & App Analytics Tool — described the lockdown influence on mobile games market. Here, we gave our comment for Apptica’s report on How the COVID-19 changed mobile apps world.

In this infographic document, you can find an overview of the mobile apps market state during the pandemic and find some predictions on the mobile environment change after the coronavirus outbreak settles down.

Check out the report here and be informed to organize the development and promotion of the apps in the correct way.

*The information is based on Apptica Intelligence. Figures in this report are calculated for the period from January 1 to June 30, 2020, on the App Store and Google Play. Revenue estimates are calculated for the main 35 countries and aggregate IAP revenue only.