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30 Oct
5 min
Performance Marketing. How to…?

Previously, we discussed basics and tools of Performance Marketing. So, it’s time to ask some topical “how to” questions, right? In this article, Zorka.Agency experts give you all the answers on the most asked questions of this kind. Let’s check it out!

How to build an effective data analytics system?

We need analysis to understand how to use our funds more effectively to increase traffic volumes. You should understand that analytics is the most important part of our job. It’s a huge work with a large amount of information. The best way to gather the necessary info: make tests. After that check all campaigns and evaluate the number of clicks, audience reach and engagement, number of impressions, cost per click/install/action, the most convertible geos, and thereby determine which approaches work best. Carry out as many tests as possible at different time intervals. Sometimes a potential lead needs time to make a decision, so in that case it is better to stop the campaign for some period. Make tests in different ways to find the most successful result. Make tests among different segments of the users you work with to understand which audience converts best. Make tests with different traffic sources and at different geos to compare the activity of the audience. Even a failed test provides valuable information, sometimes this is the only way and chance to collect the necessary data.

How to analyze a campaign effectively?

With the purpose of finding weak spots and some ways of successful approach for your ad campaign, you should examine it. Ask the following questions: What is the customer acquisition cost in this particular traffic source? Who are the users most loyal to your product? What is the promo material with the highest click-through rate? Having all this information in your hands, you have the full picture of how people engage with your product.

How to increase CTR in an ad campaign?

The conversion shows how advertising and product respond to the original goals of the business. To increase the conversion from install to purchase, you should create a high-quality relevant ad. Particular attention should be paid to the creative. It’s also very important to keep track of channels that bring you more conversions and to cut off that bring little or none at all.

How to choose an app for ads purchasing? What should you pay attention to?

The main question is obviously profit. To evaluate it you need to understand how big the audience is, how hard it is to find the target audience, how hard is flow, what restrictions do you have on this offer. So, you need to pay attention to geo, the platform on which you’re going to run this campaign and how flexible you could be on creatives. The main goal you want to achieve here is to find the biggest possible audience and the cheapest but high-quality conversion.



How to define your target audience correctly?

Identifying the target audience is the foundation of a successful performance marketing campaign. How to understand who is your real target user? To a large extent, this understanding is based on experience gained in the process of promoting a product or service. Before the launch of any campaign, there is an initial image of a potential target user who can be clearly defined later in the process of testing various hypotheses and analyzing the data.

How to form hypotheses and to evaluate the results?

It takes you several steps in order to form a hypothesis. Firstly, decide what you are going to test: a new audience, new creatives, geography. Secondly, define the marketing channel you would like to test your hypotheses on: Facebook, Google Ads. Next point is to set up certain metrics and KPIs which will help you to analyze the results of the test. And the last point is to set up a time frame: the day of the beginning and the day of the end of the test.

How to attract a potential client with Performance Marketing services?

There are 3 major things that can guarantee a success story: attentiveness, prediction and effectiveness. Be attentive to the client, read and analyze the data, plan and perform effectively.

Web or mobile: how do trends in tech development affect Performance Marketing?

The mobile application will become more and more popular, as everyone has a mobile phone, Google Play or Apple Store. In connection with this the promotion of mobile ad will grow and grow. Mobile ads are not limited to banners. There can be various ad formats, such as images, text or video, etc. Both directions, mobile in-app ads and shopping, will become popular points for monetization and the way to success. In previous years, marketers have focused on attracting maximum loyal users (downloading applications) instead of their direct involvement. Now developers and marketers understand the importance of increased experience for regular users.

As for web offers, these are different games, vpn, casino and so on. Progressive Web application is a product of the evolution of a native application and a website. In fact, this is a web application that looks and behaves like a real native application, can receive push notifications, work offline, and so on. In this case, the user does not need to download the application from the AppStore or Google Play, but simply save it to the desktop.

How to develop creative approaches for working with the client?

Working with a client is a very creative process, as we are all different, we look at situations from different angles, and the way we communicate with each other also differs. In addition, performance marketing is a very dynamic process. Everyday issues that need to be addressed arise both from the client and from the performing teams. And in this process, very often, a creative approach is indispensable to walking a fine line between the interests and goals of the client and the teams. What helps to find a compromise solution? Sometimes it can’t go without a brainstorm with the team or with a manager, but very often a simple step-by-step Q&A algorithm helps.

Try to ask and answer the following questions: What is the problem about? Where is the contradiction between the interests of the parties engaged? What are the pros and cons of taking this or that decision? This approach is very helpful when you need to find a balance between interests and make the best decision.