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19 Aug
Playable Ads: What They Are and Why You Should Use Them?

Over the past few years, playable ads have proven themselves as a powerful ad format for acquiring high-quality users and increasing retention. Marketers use them not only for the gaming industry but for the other app categories as well. Learn more about playable ads and how their leverage can benefit your business.

What are playable ads?

Playable ads, ‘playables’ for short, are a form of digital advertising that offers potential customers a ‘try before you buy experience’ of a mobile game or an app, letting users interact with its main features before installing it. Usually, you can see them in-app (within mobile games), on social media, and on the mobile web.

How does it work?

An ad starts with a tutorial prompt/lead-in video that explains to a user how they can interact with the ad.

Then it leads the user to a mini-game or other interactive experience that grabs users’ attention and keeps them captivated.

And the final element is an end card (CTA) that drives the user to take a desired action like downloading an app or a game, making a purchase, signing up for an email list, etc.

Pros & Cons

Playable ads are innovative, eye-catching, and fun. 

Using playable ads in your marketing strategy can help you increase conversion and retention rates, drive higher quality users and higher return on ad spend (ROAS).

This unusual ad format provides a captivating user experience. By letting users try the app before installing, you give your audience a chance to see what to expect, consequently decreasing churn rates.  


* Tip: Use all the key motivators to retain users: personalization, content selection within an ad, competitive factor, desire to receive an award or bonus, etc.


However, playable ads are more technically complicated than other ad formats. That means that creating a playable ad requires way more time, effort, and money.

If you would like to know more about how Playable Ads can help your marketing efforts, feel free to leave us a message.